​Architectural Technology and Construction Management
University of Architecture Ho Chi Minh City (UAH)
​University College of Northern Denmark (UCN)
• Development-based knowledge and understanding of the principles, theories, and methods applied by the profession as regards management, project design, planning, completion as well as operation and maintenance of complex building and construction projects.
• Development-based knowledge of scientific theoretical concepts and methods relevant for
the profession as well as communication theories and methods to communicate buildingtechnical issues, including use of digital media and tools within the profession.
• Development-based knowledge of principles and models applied by the industry for the
establishment, operation, and organisation of a business, and of societal and technological
conditions that have an impact on the construction process, including issues within the areas
of energy, working environment, and sustainability from a local and global perspective.
• Development-based knowledge of managerial, social, linguistic, cultural, and ethical aspects related to the planning of and cooperation on construction projects
• Assess and apply methods relevant for the profession with regard to management, project
design, planning, and completion of complex building and construction projects, including
relevant digital tools, standards, and systems.
• Apply relevant research knowledge and methods to solve complex building-technical
• Assess technological, organisational, and societal factors in connection with the construction
planning, including aspects as regards energy, working environment, and sustainability as
well as to substantiate and choose relevant solutions.
• Communicate practice-oriented and professional knowledge based on building-technical
research and development.
• Manage the planning, project design, management, and completion of complex building
and/or construction projects – independently and in cooperation with other professionals.
• Manage the communication between the parties involved in the construction project about
the project design, tendering, and completion of complex building and construction projects.
• Manage sustainable, social, cultural, and ethical factors as regards the design and processing
of construction projects as well as to participate in managerial and cooperative contexts with
other professionals with different educational, linguistic, and cultural backgrounds.
• Independently participate in professional and cross-disciplinary projects and assume
responsibility within the framework of the profession.
• Identify its own learning needs and to develop its own knowledge, skills, and competencies
in relation to the profession.